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Fair Pay For All

All the accrediations, awards & partnerships below are listed as having or obtaining "Fair Pay For All"

What is it?

Our vision is for a future without the need for food banks. When you support the Trussell Trust you’re helping our nationwide network of food banks provide emergency food to people in crisis and driving forward the campaign for change. Working with the Trussell Trust is also a brilliant way for your business to engage your team, boost brand recognition, and unite stakeholders behind a vital mission.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Advice Summary:

The Food Bank Partnership presents a valuable opportunity for companies to make a positive impact on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. By supporting the Trussell Trust's nationwide network of food banks, businesses can contribute to alleviating food poverty and driving forward the campaign for change.

Engaging in this partnership not only fosters a sense of purpose among your team but also boosts brand recognition and unites stakeholders behind a vital mission. Demonstrating a commitment to social responsibility, especially in addressing basic needs like food security, can enhance your company's reputation and attract like-minded individuals and customers.

Moreover, it is worth noting that companies participating in the Food Bank Partnership will benefit from increased visibility on the Diverse Talent app. Our algorithm matches these companies with a larger pool of diverse candidates, further amplifying your DEI initiatives.

By supporting the Trussell Trust's vision for a future without the need for food banks, your company will contribute to a more equitable society and demonstrate a genuine commitment to DEI. Together, we can create lasting change and make a difference in people's lives.
What is it?

For organisations wanting to demonstrate their commitment as a responsible employer, Living Wage accreditation is the best place to start. By paying the real Living Wage, employers are voluntarily taking a stand to ensure their employees can earn a wage which is enough to live on. That basic fairness is at the heart of what the Living Wage campaign is trying to achieve and why great businesses and organisations choose to go further than the government minimum. As well as it being the right thing to do, there is a growing body of evidence demonstrating the business benefits of becoming a Living Wage Employer.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
As experienced recruitment professionals, we understand the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace. When evaluating the impact of the "Living Wage Employer" Accreditation on a company's DEI efforts, we believe it can be a positive step forward.

The Living Wage accreditation demonstrates a company's commitment to being a responsible employer by voluntarily paying its employees a wage that is enough to live on. This not only promotes fairness but also aligns with the values of the growing Living Wage campaign.

By obtaining this accreditation, companies can showcase their dedication to providing fair compensation, which can attract a more diverse pool of candidates. Candidates often prioritize companies that prioritize their employees' well-being, making it an attractive proposition for attracting talent.

Moreover, the business benefits of becoming a Living Wage Employer are supported by a growing body of evidence. Research suggests that paying a living wage can lead to improved employee morale, increased productivity, and reduced staff turnover. These factors contribute to a positive work environment, which ultimately supports an inclusive culture.

Additionally, companies with the Living Wage Employer accreditation have the advantage of being matched with more candidates through the Diverse Talent app. Our algorithm recognizes and rewards companies that prioritize DEI initiatives, ensuring that companies with this accreditation receive increased visibility and access to diverse talent.

In summary, the Living Wage Employer accreditation can enhance a company's DEI efforts by promoting fair compensation, attracting diverse talent, and contributing to a positive work environment. Companies with this accreditation can benefit from increased visibility and access to diverse candidates through the Diverse Talent app.