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Accreditations, awards & partnerships

These are the accreditations that are used throughout the app and in scoring a company profile. When a company claims they have the accreditation, we verify that this is the case.

The accrediation keywords, and the company's listed benefits, are used to match candidate values to these keywords

What is it?

This certification is awarded by B Lab, a nonprofit organization that assesses a company's social and environmental performance. B Corps are required to meet strict standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Based on our experience in the recruitment industry, we believe that obtaining the B Corp Certification can significantly improve a company's DEI efforts. This accreditation, awarded by B Lab, signifies that a company meets strict standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.

By obtaining this certification, companies demonstrate their commitment to community involvement, environmental awareness, and cultural competency training. This indicates a willingness to create a disability-friendly workplace, promote diverse leadership, and encourage employee board participation. It also shows that the company values learning and development support and welcomes unionization.

Having the B Corp Certification can be advantageous for companies looking to attract diverse talent. With our algorithm, companies who possess this accreditation are matched with more candidates in the Diverse Talent app. This provides an opportunity to connect with individuals who align with the company's values and are passionate about making a positive impact.

Overall, the B Corp Certification can be a valuable asset in improving a company's DEI efforts. It showcases the company's dedication to social and environmental responsibility while attracting a diverse pool of candidates.
What is it?

UK-based standard that helps organizations create a more inclusive workplace for disabled employees.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Based on our experience in recruitment, we highly recommend pursuing the BDF Disability Standard Accreditation to improve your company's DEI efforts. This UK-based standard is specifically designed to help organizations create a more inclusive workplace for disabled employees. By obtaining this accreditation, you showcase your commitment to fostering a disability-friendly workplace, which can have numerous benefits.

Firstly, it demonstrates your dedication to creating an environment that supports the needs of disabled employees, which is crucial for attracting and retaining diverse talent. This accreditation also signifies that you provide family-friendly policies, indicating your understanding of the importance of work-life balance. Additionally, the focus on learning and development support illustrates your investment in the growth and progression of all employees, including those with disabilities.

Furthermore, having the BDF Disability Standard Accreditation can enhance your visibility on the Diverse Talent app. Our algorithm matches companies with this accreditation to a broader pool of candidates, increasing your chances of connecting with talented individuals from diverse backgrounds.

In summary, pursuing the BDF Disability Standard Accreditation is a valuable step towards improving your company's DEI efforts. It demonstrates your commitment to creating a disability-friendly workplace, supports work-life balance, and showcases your dedication to employee development. Don't miss out on the opportunity to attract top talent through the Diverse Talent app by obtaining this accreditation.
What is it?

The Belfast Business Promise has eight pledges for employers. These are: Provide fair wages and contracts: Ensuring your employees are paid the Real Living Wage (RLW) and have security around the hours they work. Offer opportunities into work: Creating pathways into work by providing job and development opportunities, and removing barriers to employment. Support the local and social economy: Using our purchasing power to support the local economy, increase competitiveness and add social value. Recruit inclusively: Ensuring job accessibility for all citizens and hiring across diverse communities. Improve training, engagement and well-being: Creating a workplace where employees feel valued and can thrive. Pay promptly: Paying supplier invoices on time. Work in partnership with our communities: Working in collaboration with local communities through meaningful engagement, to bring about positive impact. Protect our environment: Working together to tackle the global challenge of climate change and protect our environment for future generations.

Recognised in:
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Typical timescale:
1-2 Weeks

Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
The Belfast Business Promise Accreditation offers a comprehensive set of pledges that can significantly improve a company's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts. By committing to these pledges, your company will contribute to the betterment of the local community and actively address environmental challenges.

Firstly, by providing fair wages and contracts, your company ensures that employees receive the Real Living Wage and have job security, promoting a more inclusive working environment. Additionally, offering opportunities into work and removing barriers to employment will attract a diverse pool of candidates, enhancing the overall diversity of your workforce.

Supporting the local and social economy through your purchasing power not only strengthens the community but also adds social value and increases your competitiveness. Similarly, working in partnership with local communities fosters meaningful engagement and positive impact.

Improving training, engagement, and well-being creates a workplace where employees feel valued and can thrive. This focus on employee satisfaction will not only enhance your DEI efforts but also contribute to overall productivity and retention.

Paying supplier invoices promptly demonstrates ethical business practices and fosters positive relationships within your supply chain.

Lastly, the commitment to protect the environment and tackle climate change showcases your company's environmental awareness and responsibility towards future generations.

It is worth noting that companies with the Belfast Business Promise Accreditation are matched with a larger pool of candidates on the Diverse Talent app due to our algorithm, further expanding the diversity of your applicant pool.

Overall, embracing the Belfast Business Promise Accreditation will undoubtedly improve your company's DEI efforts, reputation, and impact on the community and environment.
What is it?

Great Place to Work offers the only program that can recognise your workplace in more than 60 countries. Take one survey, earn accolades everywhere. We partner with leading media publishers around the world to help your brand gain the best international exposure.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Based on our experience as recruitment professionals, we have reviewed the "Best Workplaces Award" and its potential impact on improving a company's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. This award, offered by Great Place to Work, provides recognition to workplaces in over 60 countries and offers international exposure through partnerships with leading media publishers.

The keywords associated with this award, namely "Family Friendly, Gender Pay Gap Reporting, and LGBTQIA+ Initiatives," suggest that it encompasses important aspects of DEI. By participating in this program, companies demonstrate their commitment to these areas, which can positively impact their DEI reputation.

Moreover, companies receiving this award have an added advantage of being matched with more candidates in the Diverse Talent app. Our algorithm recognizes and promotes organizations that prioritize diversity, making it easier for companies to attract diverse talent.

In summary, the "Best Workplaces Award" has the potential to enhance a company's DEI efforts, as it recognizes and promotes organizations that prioritize family-friendly policies, gender pay gap reporting, and LGBTQIA+ initiatives. Participating in this program not only showcases a company's commitment to DEI but also increases its visibility to potential candidates through our algorithm-driven Diverse Talent app.
What is it?

Cara-Friend has been serving and empowering the LGBTQI+ community in Northern Ireland since 1974

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
After carefully considering the "Cara Friend" Partnership, we believe that it has the potential to significantly improve your company's DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) efforts. With over four decades of experience in serving and empowering the LGBTQIA+ community in Northern Ireland, Cara-Friend brings a wealth of knowledge and resources to the table.

By engaging in this partnership, your company will not only demonstrate a commitment to community involvement but also actively support LGBTQIA+ initiatives. This will help foster an inclusive and diverse work environment, promoting a sense of belonging among your employees.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that companies with this partnership gain an advantage in the Diverse Talent app. Our algorithm matches these companies with more candidates from diverse backgrounds, providing you with a wider pool of talented individuals to choose from.

To maximize the benefits of this partnership, we recommend taking the following steps:

1. Communicate the partnership internally: Share the news with your employees to showcase your commitment to DEI and encourage their participation in related initiatives.

2. Collaborate with Cara-Friend: Engage in joint projects and events to promote LGBTQIA+ inclusivity both within your organization and externally.

3. Educate your workforce: Offer diversity and inclusion training to raise awareness and understanding of LGBTQIA+ issues.

4. Review policies and practices: Ensure that your company's policies and practices align with DEI principles, providing equal opportunities and support for all employees.

In conclusion, the "Cara Friend" Partnership holds great potential for improving your company's DEI efforts. By actively engaging with this partnership, you can create a more inclusive and diverse workplace while also gaining access to a wider talent pool through the Diverse Talent app.
What is it?

Staff led inclusivity and diversity notice board. Creation and implementation of a comprehensive LGBTQI+ policy. Celebrating diversity during anti-bullying week to combat queerphobic bullying and promote a workspace free from prejudice and discrimination. Ensure self-monitoring and evaluation measures are in place.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Based on our expertise as experienced recruitment professionals, we believe that the "Cara-Friend Inclusive Business Charter" Accreditation can significantly enhance a company's DEI efforts. This accreditation encompasses several key elements that promote inclusivity and diversity in the workplace.

Firstly, the staff-led inclusivity and diversity notice board demonstrate a commitment to fostering open communication and awareness among employees. This platform allows for the sharing of information, resources, and experiences, further promoting a sense of belonging for LGBTQIA+ individuals.

The creation and implementation of a comprehensive LGBTQI+ policy are essential steps towards ensuring a safe and inclusive environment. This policy should cover areas such as anti-discrimination, equal opportunities, and support for LGBTQIA+ employees.

Celebrating diversity during anti-bullying week is a powerful initiative to combat queerphobic bullying and raise awareness about prejudice and discrimination. By actively addressing these issues, companies can create a workspace that is free from bias and promotes a culture of respect.

It is crucial for companies to establish self-monitoring and evaluation measures to assess the effectiveness of their DEI initiatives. This allows for continuous improvement and ensures that the company remains accountable in its efforts towards inclusivity.

Additionally, as recruitment professionals, we would like to highlight that companies with the "Cara-Friend Inclusive Business Charter" Accreditation have an added advantage on the Diverse Talent app. Our algorithm matches these companies with more candidates, increasing their access to a diverse talent pool.

In summary, the "Cara-Friend Inclusive Business Charter" Accreditation offers a comprehensive approach to improving DEI within a company. By implementing these initiatives, companies can create a more inclusive and welcoming workplace for all employees, while also gaining visibility to diverse candidates through the Diverse Talent app.
What is it?

Pledging not to work for fossil fuels polluters is the best way to show you are committed to a sustainable future for the creative industry. Continuing to work for fossil fuel companies poses risks to agencies’ reputation, recruitment, and retention. Sustainable brands need clean agencies in order to grow. As creatives and leaders of agencies, the pledge says that you will decline future contracts with the fossil fuel industry. As clients, it says you will decline work with agencies that retain fossil fuel industry clients.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
The "Clean Creatives" Accreditation offers a valuable opportunity for companies to showcase their commitment to sustainability and the environment. By pledging not to work with fossil fuel polluters, companies can demonstrate their dedication to creating a more sustainable future for the creative industry.

Obtaining this accreditation can positively impact a company's reputation, recruitment efforts, and employee retention. Sustainable brands are increasingly seeking clean agencies to partner with, and by aligning with their values, you can position your company as a preferred choice for these clients.

Furthermore, the accreditation can enhance diversity and inclusion efforts. Companies with this accreditation are matched with more candidates in the Diverse Talent app, thanks to our algorithm. This presents an opportunity to increase diversity within your workforce and benefit from a wider range of perspectives and ideas.

It is important to note that the accreditation does not guarantee immediate results, but it serves as a powerful statement of intent. It showcases your company's alignment with sustainable values and can attract like-minded clients and candidates.

In summary, the "Clean Creatives" Accreditation can improve a company's DEI efforts, reputation, and recruitment prospects. By pledging not to work with fossil fuel industry clients, your company can position itself as a sustainable and responsible partner within the creative industry.
What is it?

UK government-backed accreditation that recognizes employers who have inclusive policies and practices for disabled people.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
As experienced recruitment professionals, we highly recommend the "Disability Confident Scheme" Accreditation to improve a company's DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiatives. This UK government-backed accreditation recognizes employers who have inclusive policies and practices for disabled people.

By obtaining this accreditation, a company demonstrates its commitment to creating a disability-friendly workplace. This sends a strong message to both current and potential employees that the company values diversity and is dedicated to providing equal opportunities for disabled individuals.

Furthermore, having the "Disability Confident Scheme" Accreditation can enhance the company's reputation and attract top talent. Candidates are increasingly looking for employers who prioritize inclusivity, and this accreditation serves as a powerful differentiator in a competitive job market.

Additionally, companies with this accreditation are more likely to be matched with candidates through Diverse Talent, our app's algorithm. This means that by obtaining the accreditation, the company increases its chances of accessing a diverse pool of talented candidates.

In summary, the "Disability Confident Scheme" Accreditation is a valuable step towards improving a company's DEI efforts. It showcases the company's commitment to disability inclusion, enhances its reputation, and increases access to a diverse talent pool.
What is it?

Ten years ago, the European Commission established the EU Platform of Diversity Charters to support companies, public institutions and non-profit organisations in placing diversity, inclusion and solidarity at the heart of their activities.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Based on our extensive experience in recruitment, we would like to provide you with a summary of advice regarding the "Diversity Charter" Accreditation. This Accreditation, established by the European Commission, aims to assist companies, public institutions, and non-profit organizations in prioritizing diversity, inclusion, and solidarity within their operations.

Obtaining the "Diversity Charter" Accreditation can be advantageous for your company's efforts in promoting diversity, as it demonstrates a commitment to fostering an inclusive work environment. This can attract talented individuals from diverse backgrounds who are seeking inclusive workplaces.

By obtaining this Accreditation, your company may also benefit from increased visibility and recognition in the market. The "Diversity Charter" Accreditation serves as a reputable endorsement of your organization's commitment to diversity and inclusion, potentially enhancing your reputation among clients, partners, and stakeholders.

Moreover, companies with this Accreditation gain access to the Diverse Talent app's algorithm, which matches them with a larger pool of candidates from diverse backgrounds. This can significantly broaden your talent pool and increase the chances of finding highly qualified individuals who align with your company's values and goals.

In conclusion, the "Diversity Charter" Accreditation can be a valuable asset for your company's DEI initiatives. It demonstrates a commitment to diversity, attracts diverse talent, enhances your reputation, and expands your candidate pool through the Diverse Talent app. Consider pursuing this Accreditation to further strengthen your company's diversity and inclusion efforts.
What is it?

Diversity Mark offer accreditation, expert support and guidance to organisations who are navigating the Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) landscape. Whether you are new to workplace diversity or already seeing the array of benefits it brings, we will be with you at each and every step, committed to helping your organisation make a positive impact on people’s lives by transforming culture and attitudes for the better.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
The Diversity Mark Accreditation is a valuable endorsement for organizations aiming to enhance their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts. This accreditation offers expert support and guidance in navigating the D&I landscape, making it an excellent choice for both newcomers and those already reaping the benefits of workplace diversity.

By obtaining the Diversity Mark Accreditation, your company will demonstrate a commitment to fostering a disability-friendly workplace, promoting family-friendly policies, addressing the gender pay gap, initiating LGBTQIA+ initiatives, and providing learning and development support. These keywords highlight the comprehensive scope of the accreditation and the potential positive impact it can have on your organization.

In addition to the inherent benefits of the accreditation itself, companies holding this recognition will enjoy increased exposure to diverse talent through our Diverse Talent app. Our algorithm matches companies with candidates based on their commitment to DEI, giving you access to a wider pool of qualified individuals.

To summarize, the Diversity Mark Accreditation is a powerful tool for organizations seeking to improve their DEI practices. By obtaining this endorsement, your company will showcase its dedication to creating an inclusive and equitable workplace. This accreditation not only enhances your reputation but also helps attract and retain diverse talent, ultimately driving positive change within your organization.
What is it?

We have a launched a new Mental Health Charter for employers and service providers. The Charter, jointly produced by the Equality Commission, Action Mental Health, Disability Action, Mindwise, Mental Health Foundation and Niamh, provides a framework for working towards mentally healthy workplaces.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Based on our expertise as experienced recruitment professionals, we highly recommend that companies pursue the "Equality Commission Mental Health Charter" Accreditation. This accreditation has the potential to significantly improve a company's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts.

The Mental Health Charter provides a comprehensive framework for creating mentally healthy workplaces. By obtaining this accreditation, companies demonstrate their commitment to supporting employees with mental health conditions and promoting a positive work environment. This can help attract and retain diverse talent, including individuals with disabilities and neurodiverse traits.

The keywords associated with this accreditation, such as "Disability Friendly Workplace," "Interview Accommodations," and "Neurodiverse Friendly Environment," highlight its focus on inclusivity. These key aspects are crucial for creating a diverse and welcoming workplace culture.

Furthermore, it's worth noting that companies with the "Equality Commission Mental Health Charter" Accreditation are more likely to be matched with candidates in the Diverse Talent app. Our algorithm prioritizes companies that actively promote DEI and have a track record of supporting employees' mental health.

In summary, by pursuing the "Equality Commission Mental Health Charter" Accreditation, companies can enhance their DEI efforts, create an inclusive work environment, and increase their visibility to diverse candidates. This accreditation is a valuable step towards building a mentally healthy and diverse workforce.
What is it?

UK-based accreditation that recognizes companies that are transparent about their tax affairs and pay the right amount of tax.

Recognised in:
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Diverse Talent says...
After careful consideration of the "Fair Tax Mark" Accreditation, our team of experienced recruitment professionals believes that this accreditation alone may not significantly improve a company's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. While being transparent about tax affairs and paying the right amount of tax is certainly a commendable practice, it does not directly address DEI concerns within an organization.

To enhance DEI, we recommend implementing comprehensive strategies that focus on diversity in hiring, inclusive workplace policies, and fostering an inclusive culture. These actions can include targeted outreach to underrepresented groups, implementing unconscious bias training, establishing mentorship programs, and creating employee resource groups.

While having the "Fair Tax Mark" Accreditation may be beneficial for a company's reputation and overall transparency, it is important to remember that improving DEI requires a holistic approach. It is worth mentioning that companies with this accreditation will be matched with more candidates in the Diverse Talent app due to our algorithm, which increases the likelihood of attracting diverse talent. However, it is crucial to go beyond a single accreditation and prioritize comprehensive DEI initiatives to create a truly inclusive work environment.

Appliciable sectors

Banking, Finance and Accountancy
What is it?

This certification is awarded by Fair Trade USA, a nonprofit organization that promotes fair labor practices and sustainable agriculture. Fair Trade Certified companies must meet strict standards for fair prices, fair labor conditions, and environmental sustainability.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
After reviewing the Fair Trade Certification Accreditation, we believe that obtaining this accreditation can significantly improve a company's efforts towards diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). The certification, awarded by Fair Trade USA, ensures that companies adhere to strict standards of fair prices, fair labor conditions, and environmental sustainability.

By obtaining this accreditation, your company will demonstrate a commitment to ethical and sustainable business practices. This will not only enhance your reputation but also attract socially conscious consumers and potential employees who value companies that prioritize fair labor practices and environmental sustainability.

The Fair Trade Certification's emphasis on community involvement aligns with the values of DEI. By actively engaging with local communities, your company can foster positive relationships and contribute to social and economic development. This will also create opportunities for diverse candidates to be attracted to your organization.

Additionally, we would like to highlight that companies with this accreditation are more likely to be matched with diverse candidates through our Diverse Talent app. Our algorithm recognizes the Fair Trade Certification as a valuable indicator of a company's commitment to DEI, and thus prioritizes matching these companies with a diverse pool of talented candidates.

In summary, the Fair Trade Certification Accreditation can greatly enhance your company's DEI efforts by promoting fair labor practices, environmental sustainability, and community involvement.
What is it?

London-based accreditation that recognizes employers who meet certain criteria related to fair pay, conditions, and treatment of employees.

Recognised in:
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Typical timescale:
Diverse Talent says...
After carefully reviewing the "Good Work Standard" Accreditation, we believe that obtaining this accreditation will indeed enhance your company's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts. This London-based accreditation recognizes employers who meet specific criteria related to fair pay, conditions, and treatment of employees.

By obtaining the "Good Work Standard" Accreditation, your company will demonstrate its commitment to creating a fair and inclusive work environment. This will not only improve your reputation among potential employees but also attract a more diverse pool of candidates. Moreover, companies with this accreditation are given priority in the Diverse Talent app, allowing you to access and connect with a wider range of diverse candidates through our algorithm.

The "Good Work Standard" Accreditation serves as a valuable stamp of approval, showcasing your dedication to DEI principles and practices. This recognition can enhance your employer brand and give you a competitive edge in the market. Furthermore, it highlights your commitment to fair pay, conditions, and treatment of employees, which are crucial components of a diverse and inclusive workplace.

In summary, obtaining the "Good Work Standard" Accreditation can significantly improve your company's DEI efforts by attracting diverse talent, enhancing your employer brand, and showcasing your commitment to fair work practices. We highly recommend pursuing this accreditation to bolster your DEI initiatives and strengthen your position as an inclusive employer.
What is it?

The Inclusive Awards is the only awards ceremony that rewards organisations for harnessing a truly diverse workforce, thus recognising the significant efforts of organisations nationwide that excel in their commitment to equality and inclusion across all strands of diversity. The Inclusive Awards will cover excellence in all areas of diversity including age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, race and religion, as well as highlighting diverse employers and employees across a wide variety of sectors including housing, public, private, charity and education.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
The Inclusive Awards is an excellent opportunity for companies to showcase their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). By recognizing organizations that excel in fostering a truly diverse workforce, this award highlights the significant efforts made nationwide to promote equality across all strands of diversity.

With its focus on age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, and various sectors, the Inclusive Awards covers a wide range of diversity aspects. This comprehensive approach ensures that companies are recognized for their inclusivity efforts in all areas, creating a more inclusive and representative workplace.

The keywords associated with the award, such as "Family Friendly, LGBTQIA+ Initiatives, and Neurodiverse Friendly Environment," demonstrate that it values and acknowledges companies that actively support these groups. This recognition can enhance a company's reputation and attract a greater pool of diverse talent.

Moreover, receiving the Inclusive Awards can have additional benefits. Companies with this accolade are matched with more candidates in the Diverse Talent app, thanks to our algorithm. This increases the opportunity to access highly qualified candidates who appreciate and seek out inclusive work environments.

In summary, the Inclusive Awards is a valuable recognition for companies striving to improve their DEI efforts. By celebrating and rewarding organizations that prioritize diversity and inclusion, this award not only enhances a company's reputation but also attracts diverse talent. We highly recommend considering participation in the Inclusive Awards to align your company with the values of inclusivity and equality.
What is it?

Investors in People assess how your organisation is performing against our We invest in people framework. We advise and support you on how to improve your workplace culture over time specifically in areas around employee engagement, communication, organisational culture and work practices.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
After carefully reviewing the "Investors in People" Award, we believe that it has the potential to greatly improve a company's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts. The award's focus on employee engagement, communication, organizational culture, and work practices aligns with key areas that contribute to a diverse and inclusive workplace.

By participating in this program, your company will benefit from valuable L&D support, which can help enhance your understanding and implementation of DEI initiatives. The framework provided by Investors in People will guide you in creating a more inclusive workplace culture over time.

Additionally, it is worth noting that companies with the "Investors in People" Award receive increased visibility on the Diverse Talent app. Our algorithm matches these companies with a broader pool of diverse candidates, ensuring you have access to a wider range of talent.

In summary, the "Investors in People" Award is a valuable resource for companies seeking to improve their DEI efforts. By participating in this program, you will receive expert guidance, L&D support, and increased exposure to diverse candidates. We strongly recommend considering this award as a strategic step towards building a more inclusive and successful organization.
What is it?

UK-based accreditation that recognizes organizations that demonstrate a commitment to creating an inclusive workplace.

Recognised in:
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Typical timescale:

Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
After careful review, we highly recommend that your company pursues the "Investors in Diversity" Award. This esteemed UK-based accreditation acknowledges organizations that show a genuine dedication to fostering an inclusive workplace. By achieving this recognition, your company will not only enhance its reputation but also attract top-tier candidates who value diversity and inclusion.

The Award's emphasis on "Diverse Leadership" aligns perfectly with the current business landscape, where diverse perspectives drive innovation and success. By actively promoting diverse leadership within your organization, you will cultivate an environment that encourages collaboration, creativity, and a broader range of ideas. This, in turn, can lead to increased employee engagement, productivity, and overall business growth.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning that companies with the "Investors in Diversity" Award receive enhanced visibility on our Diverse Talent app. Our algorithm matches these companies with a larger pool of diverse candidates, providing you with access to a more extensive talent pool.

In summary, pursuing the "Investors in Diversity" Award will not only demonstrate your commitment to creating an inclusive workplace but also attract exceptional candidates who value diversity and inclusion. Embracing diverse leadership will foster innovation and drive your company's success in the ever-evolving business landscape.
What is it?

UK-based accreditation that recognizes healthcare organizations that provide inclusive care to LGBTQ patients.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
After carefully reviewing the "LGBT Foundation's Pride in Practice" Accreditation, we highly recommend it for companies looking to improve their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts. This UK-based accreditation specifically recognizes healthcare organizations that provide inclusive care to LGBTQ patients, making it an ideal choice for companies in the healthcare sector or those with a focus on LGBTQIA+ initiatives.

By obtaining this accreditation, your company will demonstrate its commitment to providing a safe and inclusive environment for LGBTQ individuals. Not only will this enhance your reputation as an employer, but it will also attract a diverse pool of talent. In fact, our Diverse Talent app algorithm matches companies with this accreditation to more candidates, further increasing your access to top talent.

In summary, the "LGBT Foundation's Pride in Practice" Accreditation is a valuable step towards improving your company's DEI efforts. It not only showcases your commitment to inclusive healthcare practices but also attracts a wider pool of diverse talent. By obtaining this accreditation, you will position your company as a leader in LGBTQIA+ initiatives, creating a more inclusive and welcoming workplace for all.
What is it?

For organisations wanting to demonstrate their commitment as a responsible employer, Living Wage accreditation is the best place to start. By paying the real Living Wage, employers are voluntarily taking a stand to ensure their employees can earn a wage which is enough to live on. That basic fairness is at the heart of what the Living Wage campaign is trying to achieve and why great businesses and organisations choose to go further than the government minimum. As well as it being the right thing to do, there is a growing body of evidence demonstrating the business benefits of becoming a Living Wage Employer.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
As experienced recruitment professionals, we understand the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace. When evaluating the impact of the "Living Wage Employer" Accreditation on a company's DEI efforts, we believe it can be a positive step forward.

The Living Wage accreditation demonstrates a company's commitment to being a responsible employer by voluntarily paying its employees a wage that is enough to live on. This not only promotes fairness but also aligns with the values of the growing Living Wage campaign.

By obtaining this accreditation, companies can showcase their dedication to providing fair compensation, which can attract a more diverse pool of candidates. Candidates often prioritize companies that prioritize their employees' well-being, making it an attractive proposition for attracting talent.

Moreover, the business benefits of becoming a Living Wage Employer are supported by a growing body of evidence. Research suggests that paying a living wage can lead to improved employee morale, increased productivity, and reduced staff turnover. These factors contribute to a positive work environment, which ultimately supports an inclusive culture.

Additionally, companies with the Living Wage Employer accreditation have the advantage of being matched with more candidates through the Diverse Talent app. Our algorithm recognizes and rewards companies that prioritize DEI initiatives, ensuring that companies with this accreditation receive increased visibility and access to diverse talent.

In summary, the Living Wage Employer accreditation can enhance a company's DEI efforts by promoting fair compensation, attracting diverse talent, and contributing to a positive work environment. Companies with this accreditation can benefit from increased visibility and access to diverse candidates through the Diverse Talent app.
What is it?

We provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. We campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Based on our analysis, the "Mind" Partnership has the potential to significantly enhance a company's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts. By providing advice and support to individuals facing mental health challenges, this Partnership demonstrates a commitment to fostering a more inclusive and supportive work environment.

One of the key benefits of this Partnership is the provision of interview accommodations. By offering accommodations tailored to the needs of candidates with mental health conditions, companies can create a more equitable hiring process. This not only ensures that all candidates have an equal opportunity to showcase their skills and abilities but also helps to reduce barriers that may prevent talented individuals from fully participating in the recruitment process.

Additionally, the "Mind" Partnership emphasizes the creation of a neurodiverse friendly environment. This inclusive approach recognizes and values the unique perspectives and contributions of individuals with neurodiverse conditions. By implementing practices and policies that support neurodiverse employees, companies can tap into a broader talent pool and foster a culture of innovation and creativity.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that companies who have this Partnership benefit from increased visibility on the Diverse Talent app. Our algorithm matches companies with more candidates, ensuring a diverse pool of talent for consideration.

In summary, the "Mind" Partnership offers valuable resources and support to improve a company's DEI efforts. By promoting interview accommodations and fostering a neurodiverse friendly environment, companies can enhance their inclusivity and attract a wider range of talented candidates.
What is it?

UK-based accreditation awarded to employers who are committed to supporting employees with mental health issues.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Based on our experience as recruitment professionals, we highly recommend that companies consider obtaining the "Mindful Employer" Accreditation. This UK-based accreditation is awarded to employers who demonstrate a commitment to supporting employees with mental health issues. By obtaining this accreditation, companies can showcase their dedication to creating a supportive and inclusive work environment.

The "Mindful Employer" Accreditation aligns with key values that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. It highlights a company's focus on creating a neurodiverse friendly environment, which can greatly contribute to a positive and inclusive workplace culture. Additionally, it signifies that the company is family-friendly and provides learning and development support, further enhancing its appeal to a wide range of candidates.

It is important to note that having this accreditation can also significantly increase the company's visibility to diverse talent. Through our algorithm, companies with the "Mindful Employer" Accreditation are matched with more candidates in the Diverse Talent app, providing access to a diverse pool of qualified candidates.

In summary, obtaining the "Mindful Employer" Accreditation can greatly improve a company's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. It demonstrates a commitment to supporting mental health, creating a neurodiverse friendly environment, and offering family-friendly policies and learning opportunities. This accreditation will not only enhance the company's reputation but also attract a wider range of diverse candidates who align with its inclusive values.
What is it?

Charities, role models and community heroes will be honoured at the 2024 ceremony showcasing their outstanding devotion to enhancing equality, diversity and inclusion; thus embracing the excellence of all our citizens irrespective of race, faith, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability and culture. The concept for the National Diversity Awards arose when Inclusive Companies identified an urgent need for more positive role models to be actively promoted, with the aim to empower and inspire the wide breadth of diverse communities across the UK.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Based on the description of the "National Diversity Awards" Award, it appears to be a commendable initiative that recognizes and celebrates individuals, charities, and organizations dedicated to enhancing equality, diversity, and inclusion (DEI). This award highlights the importance of promoting positive role models and empowering diverse communities throughout the UK.

For companies aiming to improve their DEI efforts, winning the "National Diversity Awards" can have several benefits. Firstly, it showcases your commitment to creating a more inclusive workplace, which can enhance your reputation and attract top talent. The keywords associated with the award, such as "Disability Friendly Workplace," "LGBTQIA+ Initiatives," "Neurodiverse Friendly Environment," and "Transparent Promotion Processes," indicate that it aligns with various aspects of DEI.

Moreover, being recognized with this award can lead to increased visibility and exposure. As a team of experienced recruitment professionals, we can attest that companies with such accolades often receive greater attention from candidates, particularly through our Diverse Talent app, where our algorithm matches diverse candidates with inclusive employers.

In conclusion, the "National Diversity Awards" has the potential to significantly improve a company's DEI efforts. By demonstrating a commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion, organizations can attract diverse talent, enhance their reputation, and contribute to a more inclusive society.
What is it?

Orchardville, a registered charity and social enterprise, is committed to changing the lives of people with learning disability and autism.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
This collaboration has the potential to significantly improve a company's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. By partnering with a registered charity and social enterprise dedicated to changing the lives of people with learning disabilities and autism, companies can create a disability-friendly workplace and a neurodiverse friendly environment.

By actively embracing and accommodating individuals with learning disabilities and autism, companies can tap into a pool of talented and unique individuals who bring diverse perspectives and skills to the table. This not only fosters a more inclusive and innovative work culture but also enhances the company's reputation as an advocate for DEI.

Furthermore, by leveraging our matching algorithm, companies engaged in the Orchardville Partnership can gain access to a larger pool of diverse candidates through the Diverse Talent app. This ensures a more comprehensive and inclusive hiring process, opening doors to individuals who may have been overlooked in the past.

In summary, the Orchardville Partnership has the potential to significantly enhance a company's DEI efforts by creating a disability-friendly workplace and fostering a neurodiverse friendly environment. By embracing this partnership, companies can tap into a diverse talent pool and enhance their reputation as advocates for inclusivity and equity.
What is it?

Recognised in:
Typical cost:
Typical timescale:
What is it?

UK-based accreditation that recognizes institutions of higher education for their work to improve racial equality and diversity.

Recognised in:
Typical cost:
Typical timescale:

Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
After carefully reviewing the Race Equality Charter Accreditation, we highly recommend this recognition for companies seeking to enhance their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. This UK-based accreditation acknowledges higher education institutions' commitment to fostering racial equality and diversity.

By obtaining the Race Equality Charter Accreditation, your company demonstrates a proactive stance towards addressing racial disparities and promoting inclusivity in the workplace. This will not only enhance your company's reputation but also attract diverse talent. In fact, our algorithm matches companies with this accreditation to a larger pool of candidates on the Diverse Talent app, further increasing your access to diverse talent.

The Race Equality Charter Accreditation aligns with your goal of achieving diverse leadership, providing a framework to assess and improve racial equality within your organization. It encourages the implementation of policies and practices that promote inclusivity, such as mentorship programs, unconscious bias training, and inclusive recruitment processes.

By participating in this accreditation, you join a community of like-minded organizations committed to fostering racial equality. This facilitates collaboration and knowledge sharing, allowing you to learn from best practices and continuously improve your DEI initiatives.

In summary, obtaining the Race Equality Charter Accreditation is a strategic move that will enhance your company's DEI efforts, attract diverse talent, and position you as a leader in promoting racial equality.
What is it?

UK-based charter that encourages employers to take practical steps to tackle racial inequality in the workplace.

Recognised in:
Typical cost:
Typical timescale:

Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
The "Race at Work Charter" Accreditation is a valuable initiative for companies aiming to improve their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. By encouraging employers to take practical steps towards tackling racial inequality in the workplace, this UK-based charter can significantly enhance a company's DEI practices.

One of the key benefits of this accreditation is its focus on fostering diverse leadership. By prioritizing the development and promotion of individuals from underrepresented racial backgrounds, companies can create a more inclusive and representative leadership team. This, in turn, fosters an environment that values diverse perspectives and ultimately drives innovation and success.

Moreover, having the "Race at Work Charter" Accreditation can positively impact a company's recruitment efforts. Companies with this accreditation gain access to our Diverse Talent app, where they are matched with a wider pool of candidates from diverse backgrounds. Leveraging our algorithm, we ensure that companies with the accreditation are connected with top talent who can contribute to their DEI objectives and overall growth.

In summary, obtaining the "Race at Work Charter" Accreditation is a strategic move for any organization committed to improving their DEI practices. By focusing on diverse leadership and taking practical steps to tackle racial inequality, companies can create a more inclusive workplace and enhance their recruitment efforts.
What is it?

To us, our most important partners are the communities that we work with. We strive to work alongside communities to co-create a network of active, engaged, and skilled citizens that make the most of their new renewable technologies. We partner with them to build, manage, and put to good use any renewable solution that is installed. To date, we have partnered with 84 communities around the world to tackle poverty through renewable energy.

Recognised in:
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Diverse Talent says...
Summary advice on the "Renewable World" Partnership:

The "Renewable World" Partnership appears to align with the goals and values of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). By partnering with communities to provide renewable energy solutions, the company demonstrates a commitment to addressing poverty through sustainable means. This approach indicates a recognition of the importance of engaging and empowering local communities, which can contribute to a more diverse and inclusive workforce.

Furthermore, companies that engage in this Partnership have the added benefit of being matched with more candidates in the Diverse Talent app, thanks to our algorithm. This increases the likelihood of finding candidates who bring diverse perspectives and experiences to the table, further enhancing DEI efforts within the organization.

To fully leverage the potential of this Partnership to improve DEI, it is recommended that the company actively involve and collaborate with the communities they work with. This includes creating opportunities for training and skill development, as well as promoting active participation in decision-making processes.

By embracing this Partnership and nurturing a culture of diversity and inclusion, the company can both positively impact communities and enhance its own workforce by attracting a wider range of talent.
What is it?

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...

Appliciable sectors

Retail and Hospitality
What is it?

UK-based program that helps organizations create inclusive workplaces for LGBTQ employees.

Recognised in:
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Typical timescale:

Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
After reviewing the "Stonewall Diversity Champions" Accreditation, we highly recommend that your company pursue this program to improve its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. This UK-based program specifically focuses on creating inclusive workplaces for LGBTQ employees, which aligns with the growing importance of LGBTQIA+ initiatives in today's business landscape.

By obtaining this accreditation, your company will not only strengthen its commitment to DEI but also gain access to valuable resources and support from Stonewall, a renowned organization in the field. This will enable you to enhance your understanding of LGBTQIA+ issues, implement best practices, and make meaningful changes to create a more inclusive environment for all employees.

Moreover, having the "Stonewall Diversity Champions" Accreditation will significantly boost your company's reputation as an LGBTQIA+-friendly organization, attracting top talent from this community. Additionally, our diverse talent app's algorithm will match your company with more candidates, further expanding your pool of qualified and diverse applicants.

In summary, pursuing the "Stonewall Diversity Champions" Accreditation will not only demonstrate your company's commitment to DEI but also provide the necessary tools and support to create an inclusive workplace for LGBTQ employees. This will enhance your company's reputation, attract diverse talent, and contribute to a more inclusive and successful future.
What is it?

At Stonewall, we believe in the power of collaborative partnerships and know that through the support of our partners, we are able to change the world for the better. Over the years this support has enabled us to develop impactful campaigns and directly work with schools, communities, individuals and companies, both at home and abroad, to improve the lives of lesbian, gay, bi and trans people. Stonewall’s Corporate Partnerships team knows that one size does not fit all, and so we work to develop bespoke opportunities to fit your needs and reflect your corporate social responsibility priorities.

Recognised in:
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Typical timescale:

Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
The Stonewall Partner Partnership offers a unique opportunity for your company to enhance its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). By collaborating with Stonewall, you can actively contribute to positive change for lesbian, gay, bi, and trans individuals.

Stonewall's tailored approach ensures that the partnership aligns with your company's specific needs and corporate social responsibility priorities. Through this collaboration, you can gain access to impactful campaigns, cultural competency training, and LGBTQIA+ initiatives, all of which are crucial for fostering an inclusive work environment.

Moreover, by joining forces with Stonewall, your company will benefit from transparent promotion processes and gender pay gap reporting, which are essential for promoting equal opportunities and fair compensation within your organization.

We understand that attracting diverse talent is a priority for your company. Through our algorithm, companies with the Stonewall Partner Partnership receive increased visibility and are matched with a wider pool of candidates in the Diverse Talent app.

In summary, by becoming a Stonewall Partner, your company can take significant strides towards improving DEI. This partnership will not only demonstrate your commitment to equality, but also provide valuable resources and guidance to promote diverse leadership and create a more inclusive workplace.
What is it?

The Tech Talent Charter (TTC) is a government-supported, industry-led membership group that brings together 700+ Signatory organisations and equips them with the networks and resources to drive their diversity and inclusion efforts.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
The Tech Talent Charter (TTC) Accreditation is a valuable initiative for companies seeking to improve their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. With the support of the government and a vast network of over 700 signatory organizations, the TTC equips companies with the resources and networks necessary to drive DEI initiatives effectively.

By obtaining this accreditation, companies gain access to several benefits. Firstly, the focus on diverse leadership ensures that organizations prioritize the representation of underrepresented groups in key decision-making roles. This not only brings fresh perspectives but also fosters a more inclusive work environment.

Secondly, the emphasis on gender pay gap reporting demonstrates a commitment to tackling inequality. By regularly monitoring and addressing any disparities, companies can ensure fair compensation practices and work towards closing the gender pay gap.

Additionally, the TTC provides learning and development support, enabling companies to enhance their understanding of DEI issues and implement effective strategies. This helps create a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the organization.

Lastly, the transparent promotion processes promoted by the TTC help eliminate bias and favoritism, ensuring that all employees have equal opportunities for career growth and advancement.

It is worth noting that companies with the TTC Accreditation benefit from increased exposure to diverse candidates through the Diverse Talent app, thanks to our matching algorithm.

In summary, the Tech Talent Charter Accreditation is a valuable asset for companies seeking to improve their DEI efforts. By prioritizing diverse leadership, addressing the gender pay gap, providing learning and development support, and implementing transparent promotion processes, companies can foster a more inclusive and equitable workplace.

Appliciable sectors

What is it?

The Rainbow Project is a health organisation that works to improve the physical, mental & emotional health and wellbeing of LGBTQIA+ people and their families in Northern Ireland. We are the foremost LGBTQIA+ organisation in Northern Ireland and have two centres: one in Belfast city centre and the other in Derry.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Our team of experienced recruitment professionals has reviewed the "The Rainbow Project" Partnership and its potential impact on a company's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. We believe that partnering with "The Rainbow Project" can greatly enhance a company's DEI initiatives.

"The Rainbow Project" is a prominent LGBTQIA+ organization in Northern Ireland, dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of LGBTQIA+ individuals and their families. By aligning with this partnership, companies actively demonstrate their commitment to supporting the LGBTQIA+ community and promoting inclusivity.

The keywords associated with this partnership, including "Community Involvement" and "LGBTQIA+ Initiatives," indicate that the company will have opportunities to engage with the LGBTQIA+ community and contribute to their wellbeing. This collaboration can foster a positive public image, attract diverse talent, and enhance the company's brand reputation.

Moreover, our Diverse Talent app features an algorithm that matches companies with more candidates when they have partnerships like "The Rainbow Project." By participating in this partnership, companies can access a wider pool of diverse candidates, ensuring a more inclusive and equitable recruitment process.

In summary, the "The Rainbow Project" Partnership offers a valuable opportunity for companies to improve their DEI efforts by supporting the LGBTQIA+ community and gaining access to a diverse talent pool. We highly recommend this partnership to organizations seeking to enhance their commitment to DEI and make a positive impact on the LGBTQIA+ community in Northern Ireland.
What is it?

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Engaging with Times Top 50 Company On Gender Equality not only enhances your company's DEI initiatives but also increases your visibility on the DiverseTalent app, matching you with more candidates and featuring your company higher in search rankings. This Times Top 50 Company On Gender Equality demonstrates a commitment to excellence and inclusivity in areas such as environmental sustainability, fair trade practices, LGBTQ+ rights, diversity, and leadership, attracting top talent who value these principles.
What is it?

Celebrating the very best in workplace engagement Being named one of the UK’s Best Companies to Work For is an accolade like no other - is something that other organisations the length and breadth of the nation strive for – but only the very best achieve. It recognises your commitment to your employees and demonstrates that you see workplace engagement as a vital part of your organisation’s success. While also being a unique opportunity to tell a positive PR story, in turn helping you attract and retain the best talent, set you apart from the competition and win new business.

Recognised in:
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Typical timescale:

Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Based on the description and keywords associated with the "UK Best Companies to work for" Award, we believe that participating in this award could positively impact a company's DEI efforts. This award emphasizes workplace engagement, which is crucial for creating an inclusive environment.

By committing to employee development through Learning & Development Support, companies can demonstrate their dedication to fostering growth opportunities for all employees. This not only enhances individual skills but also promotes diversity and inclusion by ensuring equal access to learning resources.

Additionally, the award recognizes the importance of Transparent Promotion Processes. By implementing fair and transparent promotion practices, companies can eliminate bias and provide equal opportunities for advancement. This fosters an inclusive culture where everyone feels valued and has an equal chance to succeed.

Furthermore, being named one of the UK's Best Companies to Work For can serve as a powerful PR tool. This recognition showcases a company's commitment to employee satisfaction and engagement, making it more attractive to top talent. It also sets the company apart from competitors and can potentially attract new business opportunities.

Lastly, it's worth noting that companies with this award are matched with more candidates in the Diverse Talent app due to our algorithm. This can further enhance a company's access to diverse talent and contribute to their DEI efforts.

Overall, participating in the "UK Best Companies to work for" Award can be a valuable step toward improving a company's DEI. It showcases a commitment to employee development, transparent promotion processes, and can provide a competitive edge in attracting and retaining diverse talent.
What is it?

The UK Diversity Legal Awards are the only industry awards which focus solely on recognising, promoting and celebrating equality, diversity and inclusion across the legal profession

Recognised in:
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Typical timescale:

Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
The UK Diversity Legal Awards offer a valuable opportunity for companies to showcase their commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion (DEI) within the legal profession. By participating in these awards, companies not only gain recognition for their efforts but also contribute to the broader movement towards a more inclusive industry.

This particular award focuses on two key areas: diverse leadership and LGBTQIA+ initiatives. By emphasizing diverse leadership, companies can demonstrate their commitment to breaking down barriers and promoting opportunities for individuals from all backgrounds to advance into leadership positions. This not only fosters a more inclusive workplace culture but also encourages diverse perspectives and ideas, ultimately benefiting the overall success of the organization.

Furthermore, by highlighting LGBTQIA+ initiatives, companies can showcase their dedication to creating an inclusive environment for individuals of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. This sends a powerful message that the legal profession is actively working towards eradicating discrimination and promoting acceptance.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning that companies who receive this prestigious award are more likely to be matched with a greater pool of diverse candidates through the Diverse Talent app. Our algorithm recognizes and prioritizes companies that have demonstrated a strong commitment to DEI, thus increasing the chances of finding exceptional talent that aligns with your organization's values.

In summary, participating in the UK Diversity Legal Awards can significantly enhance a company's DEI efforts. By focusing on diverse leadership and LGBTQIA+ initiatives, companies can amplify their commitment to creating an inclusive workplace and contribute to the positive transformation of the legal profession.

Appliciable sectors

What is it?

UK-based initiative that encourages companies to commit to disability inclusion and put it on their board agenda.

Recognised in:
Typical cost:
Typical timescale:
Diverse Talent says...
After carefully reviewing the "Valuable 500" Accreditation, we highly recommend that your company pursue this initiative to improve its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. This UK-based program is designed to foster disability inclusion within organizations by urging them to prioritize it on their board agenda.

By obtaining the "Valuable 500" Accreditation, your company demonstrates a genuine commitment to DEI, specifically addressing disability inclusion. This not only demonstrates your organization's dedication to fostering an inclusive workplace but also sends a powerful message to employees, clients, and stakeholders about your values.

The Accreditation is a valuable tool to showcase your company's DEI efforts, as it highlights your commitment to disability inclusion. Moreover, this initiative aligns with the increasing societal expectation for businesses to embrace diversity and ensures that the issue is given the necessary attention at the highest level of decision-making.

Furthermore, by having the "Valuable 500" Accreditation, your company becomes eligible for enhanced exposure and access to a wider pool of diverse talent. Our algorithm in the Diverse Talent app prioritizes companies with such accreditations, increasing the chances of attracting candidates with disabilities who can bring unique perspectives and talents to your organization.

Overall, obtaining the "Valuable 500" Accreditation will not only improve your company's DEI efforts but also enhance your reputation as an inclusive employer. This commitment to disability inclusion will contribute to a diverse and vibrant workforce, fostering innovation and driving business success.
What is it?

UK-based charter that encourages financial services firms to improve gender diversity in their senior leadership teams.

Recognised in:
Typical cost:
Typical timescale:

Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
The Women in Finance Charter Accreditation is a valuable initiative for financial services firms aiming to enhance gender diversity within their senior leadership teams. By committing to this UK-based charter, companies demonstrate their dedication to fostering diverse leadership and addressing the gender pay gap.

Obtaining this Accreditation can lead to several benefits for your organization. Firstly, it sends a clear message to stakeholders that your company values inclusivity and is actively working towards creating a more balanced workplace. This can enhance your employer brand and attract top talent, particularly women, who are seeking opportunities for advancement in the finance industry.

Additionally, being part of the Women in Finance Charter can improve your company's reputation within the industry and among potential clients. By publicly aligning with this Accreditation, you showcase your commitment to creating a more equitable and diverse financial sector.

Moreover, our algorithm matches companies with the Women in Finance Charter Accreditation to a wider pool of candidates in the Diverse Talent app. This expands your access to talented individuals who are specifically interested in working for organizations that prioritize diversity and inclusion.

In conclusion, the Women in Finance Charter Accreditation is a valuable step towards improving diversity, fostering inclusive leadership, and addressing the gender pay gap within your company. It not only enhances your employer brand and reputation but also increases your chances of attracting top talent from a diverse talent pool.

Appliciable sectors

Banking, Finance and Accountancy
What is it?

We created Women in Salesforce DevOps to empower women who are passionate about building on Salesforce. Our aim is to create a friendly, like-minded community where women from all over the world can support and inspire each other as they develop their careers in Salesforce DevOps.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Based on the description provided, the "Women in Salesforce DevOps" Partnership seems like a valuable initiative to improve a company's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. By creating a community where passionate women can support and inspire each other in their Salesforce DevOps careers, this partnership promotes inclusivity and provides a platform for networking and mentorship.

Community involvement is a key aspect of this partnership, which indicates a commitment to fostering a supportive environment. Engaging with this community can help your company tap into a diverse talent pool and gain access to potential candidates who are passionate about Salesforce DevOps. Additionally, our algorithm matches companies with more candidates in the Diverse Talent app when they actively participate in partnerships promoting DEI.

To fully leverage the benefits of this partnership, we recommend actively engaging with the "Women in Salesforce DevOps" community. Encourage your employees, especially women in DevOps roles, to participate and contribute to the community. Consider hosting events, webinars, or workshops to promote knowledge sharing and collaboration. By showcasing your company's commitment to diversity and supporting this partnership, you can attract top talent and enhance your DEI initiatives.

Remember, building a diverse and inclusive workforce is an ongoing journey, and this partnership can be a valuable step towards achieving that goal.
What is it?

We will make sure that a partnership with Women’s Aid is mutually beneficial, working to promote the partnership to your company, engage your staff and meet your strategic and Corporate Social Responsibility objectives. We offer: Dedicated stewardship – Our team offer a wealth of experience in all areas of corporate partnerships, from employee fundraising to CRM activity. Domestic abuse training –We deliver expert domestic abuse training and consultancy. Our training can help you build a healthy workplace – benefiting you, your staff and your business performance. Fun and engaging fundraising – We’ll ensure that you have all the support and resources needed to hold great events that really motivate your teams to get involved. Talk to us about our running places at events across the country. Profile and branding – Your company will be seen to be supporting Women’s Aid at a time when domestic abuse is increasingly on the public’s agenda, improving your brand reputation and giving you market differentiation. Talk to us about how we can support you to publicise the partnership.

Recognised in:
Typical cost:
Typical timescale:

Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Based on the information provided, partnering with Women's Aid can significantly improve your company's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. Here's a summary of our advice:

1. Mutual Benefits: This partnership offers mutual benefits, allowing you to meet your strategic objectives while supporting a worthy cause. It will enhance your corporate social responsibility initiatives and improve your brand reputation.

2. Dedicated Stewardship: With our experienced team, we provide comprehensive support in all areas of corporate partnerships. From employee fundraising to CRM activity, we ensure that your collaboration with Women's Aid is seamless and successful.

3. Domestic Abuse Training: Our expert training and consultancy on domestic abuse will help you build a healthy workplace. By creating a supportive environment, you can improve employee well-being, satisfaction, and business performance.

4. Fun and Engaging Fundraising: We offer the necessary resources and support to organize exciting fundraising events. These events will motivate your teams, foster teamwork, and strengthen your community involvement.

5. Profile and Branding: Supporting Women's Aid during a time when domestic abuse is in the public's agenda will enhance your brand reputation and differentiate you in the market. We can assist you in publicizing this partnership effectively.

In addition, companies with this partnership have the advantage of being matched with more candidates in the Diverse Talent app, thanks to our algorithm.

By partnering with Women's Aid, you can make a significant positive impact on DEI, create a healthy workplace, engage your staff, and improve your brand reputation.
What is it?

UK-based benchmark that recognizes employers who have family-friendly policies and practices.

Recognised in:
Typical cost:
Typical timescale:

Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Based on our extensive experience in recruitment, we would highly recommend pursuing the Working Families' Best Practice Employer Mark Accreditation. This UK-based benchmark is specifically designed to acknowledge employers with family-friendly policies and practices, indicating a strong commitment to work-life balance and supporting employees with families.

By obtaining this accreditation, your company will not only enhance its reputation as a family-friendly employer but also attract a wider pool of diverse talent. The accreditation's focus on creating a neurodiverse friendly environment further demonstrates your commitment to inclusivity and diversity, which are crucial aspects of a successful and innovative workforce.

It is important to note that companies with this accreditation receive the added benefit of being matched with more candidates in the Diverse Talent app, thanks to our algorithm that prioritizes employers with recognized efforts in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.

In summary, pursuing the Working Families' Best Practice Employer Mark Accreditation is a valuable investment for your company. It will improve your company's DEI efforts, attract diverse talent, and position you as a leader in creating a family-friendly and neurodiverse friendly work environment.