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These are the values that are used throughout the app.


Engagement in community activities and social responsibility projects, reflecting the company's commitment to social equity and fostering a culture of civic involvement among employees. Companies can volunteer, sponsor local events, and partner with community organisations to drive positive social impact.


Training that enhances understanding and interaction across diverse cultures, improving cross-cultural communication and fostering an inclusive workplace environment. Companies can offer workshops on cultural sensitivity, bias awareness, and inclusive language to educate and empower employees.


A workplace that ensures accessibility and accommodations for employees with disabilities, promoting inclusivity and equal opportunities for all workers. Companies can improve by implementing accessible facilities, providing assistive technologies, and offering flexible work arrangements to accommodate various needs.


Promoting diversity in leadership roles, ensuring decision-making reflects a wide range of perspectives and experiences, enhancing organizational inclusivity and innovation. Companies can achieve this by implementing leadership development programs for underrepresented groups and setting diversity targets for executive positions.


Including employees in governance structures, ensuring diverse employee perspectives contribute to company decision-making and policy development. This can be facilitated through the establishment of employee advisory boards, regular town hall meetings, and soliciting feedback on company policies.


Adoption of sustainable practices and awareness of environmental impacts, promoting environmental stewardship and encouraging a culture of sustainability within the workplace. Initiatives can include reducing waste, implementing recycling programs, and investing in green technologies.


Implementing policies that support work-life balance for employees with families, promoting inclusivity and accommodating diverse family needs. Examples include offering parental leave, flexible working hours, and on-site childcare facilities to support working parents.


The practice of disclosing wage disparities between genders, aiming to address and reduce wage inequality and promote gender equity in the workplace. Companies can conduct regular pay audits, establish transparent salary bands, and commit to equitable pay practices to close the gender pay gap.


Providing reasonable adjustments during the hiring process for candidates with disabilities, ensuring equal employment opportunities and promoting a diverse workforce. This includes offering alternative interview formats, extending test times, and ensuring recruitment materials are accessible.


Initiatives aimed at supporting and affirming LGBTQIA+ employees, contributing to a workplace culture that values and respects sexual orientation and gender identity diversity. This can be achieved through the establishment of LGBTQIA+ employee resource groups, inclusive HR policies, and participation in community pride events.


Offering resources for professional and personal development, supporting career growth for all employees and fostering an environment of continuous learning and inclusivity. Companies can provide access to online courses, sponsor conference attendance, and create mentorship programs to support employee growth.


An environment that supports individuals with neurodiverse conditions through tailored accommodations, fostering an inclusive culture that values diverse cognitive perspectives. Examples include offering sensory-friendly workspaces, flexible scheduling, and personalized communication strategies to support neurodiverse employees.


Ensuring fairness and transparency in promotion decisions, fostering career development opportunities for all employees regardless of their background. Best practices include establishing clear promotion criteria, providing mentorship programs, and conducting regular reviews of promotion practices to ensure bias elimination.


A policy that encourages the formation and participation of labour unions, enhancing employee representation and advocating for equitable working conditions. Companies can facilitate unionization by maintaining open communication channels with employees, respecting collective bargaining rights, and actively engaging with union representatives.