
Belfast Business Promise

What is it?

The Belfast Business Promise has eight pledges for employers. These are: Provide fair wages and contracts: Ensuring your employees are paid the Real Living Wage (RLW) and have security around the hours they work. Offer opportunities into work: Creating pathways into work by providing job and development opportunities, and removing barriers to employment. Support the local and social economy: Using our purchasing power to support the local economy, increase competitiveness and add social value. Recruit inclusively: Ensuring job accessibility for all citizens and hiring across diverse communities. Improve training, engagement and well-being: Creating a workplace where employees feel valued and can thrive. Pay promptly: Paying supplier invoices on time. Work in partnership with our communities: Working in collaboration with local communities through meaningful engagement, to bring about positive impact. Protect our environment: Working together to tackle the global challenge of climate change and protect our environment for future generations.

Recognised in:
Typical cost:
Typical timescale:
1-2 Weeks

Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
The Belfast Business Promise Accreditation offers a comprehensive set of pledges that can significantly improve a company's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts. By committing to these pledges, your company will contribute to the betterment of the local community and actively address environmental challenges.

Firstly, by providing fair wages and contracts, your company ensures that employees receive the Real Living Wage and have job security, promoting a more inclusive working environment. Additionally, offering opportunities into work and removing barriers to employment will attract a diverse pool of candidates, enhancing the overall diversity of your workforce.

Supporting the local and social economy through your purchasing power not only strengthens the community but also adds social value and increases your competitiveness. Similarly, working in partnership with local communities fosters meaningful engagement and positive impact.

Improving training, engagement, and well-being creates a workplace where employees feel valued and can thrive. This focus on employee satisfaction will not only enhance your DEI efforts but also contribute to overall productivity and retention.

Paying supplier invoices promptly demonstrates ethical business practices and fosters positive relationships within your supply chain.

Lastly, the commitment to protect the environment and tackle climate change showcases your company's environmental awareness and responsibility towards future generations.

It is worth noting that companies with the Belfast Business Promise Accreditation are matched with a larger pool of candidates on the Diverse Talent app due to our algorithm, further expanding the diversity of your applicant pool.

Overall, embracing the Belfast Business Promise Accreditation will undoubtedly improve your company's DEI efforts, reputation, and impact on the community and environment.
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