
Diversity Charter

What is it?

Ten years ago, the European Commission established the EU Platform of Diversity Charters to support companies, public institutions and non-profit organisations in placing diversity, inclusion and solidarity at the heart of their activities.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Based on our extensive experience in recruitment, we would like to provide you with a summary of advice regarding the "Diversity Charter" Accreditation. This Accreditation, established by the European Commission, aims to assist companies, public institutions, and non-profit organizations in prioritizing diversity, inclusion, and solidarity within their operations.

Obtaining the "Diversity Charter" Accreditation can be advantageous for your company's efforts in promoting diversity, as it demonstrates a commitment to fostering an inclusive work environment. This can attract talented individuals from diverse backgrounds who are seeking inclusive workplaces.

By obtaining this Accreditation, your company may also benefit from increased visibility and recognition in the market. The "Diversity Charter" Accreditation serves as a reputable endorsement of your organization's commitment to diversity and inclusion, potentially enhancing your reputation among clients, partners, and stakeholders.

Moreover, companies with this Accreditation gain access to the Diverse Talent app's algorithm, which matches them with a larger pool of candidates from diverse backgrounds. This can significantly broaden your talent pool and increase the chances of finding highly qualified individuals who align with your company's values and goals.

In conclusion, the "Diversity Charter" Accreditation can be a valuable asset for your company's DEI initiatives. It demonstrates a commitment to diversity, attracts diverse talent, enhances your reputation, and expands your candidate pool through the Diverse Talent app. Consider pursuing this Accreditation to further strengthen your company's diversity and inclusion efforts.
View all accreditations