

What is it?

Orchardville, a registered charity and social enterprise, is committed to changing the lives of people with learning disability and autism.

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(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
This collaboration has the potential to significantly improve a company's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. By partnering with a registered charity and social enterprise dedicated to changing the lives of people with learning disabilities and autism, companies can create a disability-friendly workplace and a neurodiverse friendly environment.

By actively embracing and accommodating individuals with learning disabilities and autism, companies can tap into a pool of talented and unique individuals who bring diverse perspectives and skills to the table. This not only fosters a more inclusive and innovative work culture but also enhances the company's reputation as an advocate for DEI.

Furthermore, by leveraging our matching algorithm, companies engaged in the Orchardville Partnership can gain access to a larger pool of diverse candidates through the Diverse Talent app. This ensures a more comprehensive and inclusive hiring process, opening doors to individuals who may have been overlooked in the past.

In summary, the Orchardville Partnership has the potential to significantly enhance a company's DEI efforts by creating a disability-friendly workplace and fostering a neurodiverse friendly environment. By embracing this partnership, companies can tap into a diverse talent pool and enhance their reputation as advocates for inclusivity and equity.
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