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Women's Aid Corporate Partner

What is it?

We will make sure that a partnership with Women’s Aid is mutually beneficial, working to promote the partnership to your company, engage your staff and meet your strategic and Corporate Social Responsibility objectives. We offer: Dedicated stewardship – Our team offer a wealth of experience in all areas of corporate partnerships, from employee fundraising to CRM activity. Domestic abuse training –We deliver expert domestic abuse training and consultancy. Our training can help you build a healthy workplace – benefiting you, your staff and your business performance. Fun and engaging fundraising – We’ll ensure that you have all the support and resources needed to hold great events that really motivate your teams to get involved. Talk to us about our running places at events across the country. Profile and branding – Your company will be seen to be supporting Women’s Aid at a time when domestic abuse is increasingly on the public’s agenda, improving your brand reputation and giving you market differentiation. Talk to us about how we can support you to publicise the partnership.

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(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Based on the information provided, partnering with Women's Aid can significantly improve your company's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. Here's a summary of our advice:

1. Mutual Benefits: This partnership offers mutual benefits, allowing you to meet your strategic objectives while supporting a worthy cause. It will enhance your corporate social responsibility initiatives and improve your brand reputation.

2. Dedicated Stewardship: With our experienced team, we provide comprehensive support in all areas of corporate partnerships. From employee fundraising to CRM activity, we ensure that your collaboration with Women's Aid is seamless and successful.

3. Domestic Abuse Training: Our expert training and consultancy on domestic abuse will help you build a healthy workplace. By creating a supportive environment, you can improve employee well-being, satisfaction, and business performance.

4. Fun and Engaging Fundraising: We offer the necessary resources and support to organize exciting fundraising events. These events will motivate your teams, foster teamwork, and strengthen your community involvement.

5. Profile and Branding: Supporting Women's Aid during a time when domestic abuse is in the public's agenda will enhance your brand reputation and differentiate you in the market. We can assist you in publicizing this partnership effectively.

In addition, companies with this partnership have the advantage of being matched with more candidates in the Diverse Talent app, thanks to our algorithm.

By partnering with Women's Aid, you can make a significant positive impact on DEI, create a healthy workplace, engage your staff, and improve your brand reputation.
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