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Working Families' Best Practice Employer Mark

What is it?

UK-based benchmark that recognizes employers who have family-friendly policies and practices.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Based on our extensive experience in recruitment, we would highly recommend pursuing the Working Families' Best Practice Employer Mark Accreditation. This UK-based benchmark is specifically designed to acknowledge employers with family-friendly policies and practices, indicating a strong commitment to work-life balance and supporting employees with families.

By obtaining this accreditation, your company will not only enhance its reputation as a family-friendly employer but also attract a wider pool of diverse talent. The accreditation's focus on creating a neurodiverse friendly environment further demonstrates your commitment to inclusivity and diversity, which are crucial aspects of a successful and innovative workforce.

It is important to note that companies with this accreditation receive the added benefit of being matched with more candidates in the Diverse Talent app, thanks to our algorithm that prioritizes employers with recognized efforts in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.

In summary, pursuing the Working Families' Best Practice Employer Mark Accreditation is a valuable investment for your company. It will improve your company's DEI efforts, attract diverse talent, and position you as a leader in creating a family-friendly and neurodiverse friendly work environment.
View all accreditations