


Unlimited applicants

Company homepage

Jobs posted to Google jobs

Advanced SEO

Job post analytics

undefined Concurrent job posting

Admins: 1

AI Assisted Job Postings

AI Assisted Bias Checker

Candidate search

Candidate recommendations

Candidate comparisons

Candidate invites

Custom report templates

Company profile highlight email

3rd party integrations

Candidate chat







Unlimited applicants

Company homepage

Jobs posted to Google jobs

Advanced SEO

Job post analytics

undefined Concurrent job postings

Admins: 1

AI Assisted Job Postings

AI Assisted Bias Checker

Candidate search

Candidate recommendations

Candidate comparisons

Candidate invites: undefined per month

Custom report templates

Company profile highlight email

3rd party integrations

Candidate chat





Coming soon


Unlimited applicants

Company homepage

Jobs posted to Google jobs

Advanced SEO

Job post analytics

Unlimited concurrent job postings

Admins: 5

AI Assisted Job Postings

AI Assisted Bias Checker

Candidate search

Candidate recommendations

Candidate comparisons

Candidate invites: undefined per month

Custom report templates

Company profile highlight email

3rd party integrations

Candidate chat


Coming soon
