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Interview Accommodations

All the accrediations, awards & partnerships below are listed as having or obtaining "Interview Accommodations"

What is it?

The Belfast Business Promise has eight pledges for employers. These are: Provide fair wages and contracts: Ensuring your employees are paid the Real Living Wage (RLW) and have security around the hours they work. Offer opportunities into work: Creating pathways into work by providing job and development opportunities, and removing barriers to employment. Support the local and social economy: Using our purchasing power to support the local economy, increase competitiveness and add social value. Recruit inclusively: Ensuring job accessibility for all citizens and hiring across diverse communities. Improve training, engagement and well-being: Creating a workplace where employees feel valued and can thrive. Pay promptly: Paying supplier invoices on time. Work in partnership with our communities: Working in collaboration with local communities through meaningful engagement, to bring about positive impact. Protect our environment: Working together to tackle the global challenge of climate change and protect our environment for future generations.

Recognised in:
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Typical timescale:
1-2 Weeks

Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
The Belfast Business Promise Accreditation offers a comprehensive set of pledges that can significantly improve a company's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts. By committing to these pledges, your company will contribute to the betterment of the local community and actively address environmental challenges.

Firstly, by providing fair wages and contracts, your company ensures that employees receive the Real Living Wage and have job security, promoting a more inclusive working environment. Additionally, offering opportunities into work and removing barriers to employment will attract a diverse pool of candidates, enhancing the overall diversity of your workforce.

Supporting the local and social economy through your purchasing power not only strengthens the community but also adds social value and increases your competitiveness. Similarly, working in partnership with local communities fosters meaningful engagement and positive impact.

Improving training, engagement, and well-being creates a workplace where employees feel valued and can thrive. This focus on employee satisfaction will not only enhance your DEI efforts but also contribute to overall productivity and retention.

Paying supplier invoices promptly demonstrates ethical business practices and fosters positive relationships within your supply chain.

Lastly, the commitment to protect the environment and tackle climate change showcases your company's environmental awareness and responsibility towards future generations.

It is worth noting that companies with the Belfast Business Promise Accreditation are matched with a larger pool of candidates on the Diverse Talent app due to our algorithm, further expanding the diversity of your applicant pool.

Overall, embracing the Belfast Business Promise Accreditation will undoubtedly improve your company's DEI efforts, reputation, and impact on the community and environment.
What is it?

Staff led inclusivity and diversity notice board. Creation and implementation of a comprehensive LGBTQI+ policy. Celebrating diversity during anti-bullying week to combat queerphobic bullying and promote a workspace free from prejudice and discrimination. Ensure self-monitoring and evaluation measures are in place.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Based on our expertise as experienced recruitment professionals, we believe that the "Cara-Friend Inclusive Business Charter" Accreditation can significantly enhance a company's DEI efforts. This accreditation encompasses several key elements that promote inclusivity and diversity in the workplace.

Firstly, the staff-led inclusivity and diversity notice board demonstrate a commitment to fostering open communication and awareness among employees. This platform allows for the sharing of information, resources, and experiences, further promoting a sense of belonging for LGBTQIA+ individuals.

The creation and implementation of a comprehensive LGBTQI+ policy are essential steps towards ensuring a safe and inclusive environment. This policy should cover areas such as anti-discrimination, equal opportunities, and support for LGBTQIA+ employees.

Celebrating diversity during anti-bullying week is a powerful initiative to combat queerphobic bullying and raise awareness about prejudice and discrimination. By actively addressing these issues, companies can create a workspace that is free from bias and promotes a culture of respect.

It is crucial for companies to establish self-monitoring and evaluation measures to assess the effectiveness of their DEI initiatives. This allows for continuous improvement and ensures that the company remains accountable in its efforts towards inclusivity.

Additionally, as recruitment professionals, we would like to highlight that companies with the "Cara-Friend Inclusive Business Charter" Accreditation have an added advantage on the Diverse Talent app. Our algorithm matches these companies with more candidates, increasing their access to a diverse talent pool.

In summary, the "Cara-Friend Inclusive Business Charter" Accreditation offers a comprehensive approach to improving DEI within a company. By implementing these initiatives, companies can create a more inclusive and welcoming workplace for all employees, while also gaining visibility to diverse candidates through the Diverse Talent app.
What is it?

We have a launched a new Mental Health Charter for employers and service providers. The Charter, jointly produced by the Equality Commission, Action Mental Health, Disability Action, Mindwise, Mental Health Foundation and Niamh, provides a framework for working towards mentally healthy workplaces.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Based on our expertise as experienced recruitment professionals, we highly recommend that companies pursue the "Equality Commission Mental Health Charter" Accreditation. This accreditation has the potential to significantly improve a company's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts.

The Mental Health Charter provides a comprehensive framework for creating mentally healthy workplaces. By obtaining this accreditation, companies demonstrate their commitment to supporting employees with mental health conditions and promoting a positive work environment. This can help attract and retain diverse talent, including individuals with disabilities and neurodiverse traits.

The keywords associated with this accreditation, such as "Disability Friendly Workplace," "Interview Accommodations," and "Neurodiverse Friendly Environment," highlight its focus on inclusivity. These key aspects are crucial for creating a diverse and welcoming workplace culture.

Furthermore, it's worth noting that companies with the "Equality Commission Mental Health Charter" Accreditation are more likely to be matched with candidates in the Diverse Talent app. Our algorithm prioritizes companies that actively promote DEI and have a track record of supporting employees' mental health.

In summary, by pursuing the "Equality Commission Mental Health Charter" Accreditation, companies can enhance their DEI efforts, create an inclusive work environment, and increase their visibility to diverse candidates. This accreditation is a valuable step towards building a mentally healthy and diverse workforce.
What is it?

We provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. We campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.

Recognised in:
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Associated keywords

(If a company achieves this award or accreditation, we add these associated search keywords to their company profile.)
Diverse Talent says...
Based on our analysis, the "Mind" Partnership has the potential to significantly enhance a company's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts. By providing advice and support to individuals facing mental health challenges, this Partnership demonstrates a commitment to fostering a more inclusive and supportive work environment.

One of the key benefits of this Partnership is the provision of interview accommodations. By offering accommodations tailored to the needs of candidates with mental health conditions, companies can create a more equitable hiring process. This not only ensures that all candidates have an equal opportunity to showcase their skills and abilities but also helps to reduce barriers that may prevent talented individuals from fully participating in the recruitment process.

Additionally, the "Mind" Partnership emphasizes the creation of a neurodiverse friendly environment. This inclusive approach recognizes and values the unique perspectives and contributions of individuals with neurodiverse conditions. By implementing practices and policies that support neurodiverse employees, companies can tap into a broader talent pool and foster a culture of innovation and creativity.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that companies who have this Partnership benefit from increased visibility on the Diverse Talent app. Our algorithm matches companies with more candidates, ensuring a diverse pool of talent for consideration.

In summary, the "Mind" Partnership offers valuable resources and support to improve a company's DEI efforts. By promoting interview accommodations and fostering a neurodiverse friendly environment, companies can enhance their inclusivity and attract a wider range of talented candidates.